Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Keeping it Real ?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Human Energy Make Over

Meditation ~
Human Energy Management

Meditation has been around since the first Human looked to the sky and was lost in thought, wondering what was beyond the stars.

There are also many forms and styles of it, yet it is all designed to take us to the same place - ourselves. The infamous Self - I - I AM. Yet it is a simple process with extremely profound results. What was once a mysterious practice of Monks living in temples on a mountain, is now becoming an integral part of world cultures.

In my own teachings I have dispelled with the ancient terminology’s of Sacred texts, as science has now joined in the idea that Human wholeness is a matter of honoring the Sacredness and the scientific aspects of the Human experience. Meditation is as profound to the biology of us as it is to our spiritual aspects. No longer do we view these as enemies, or even as separate. I refer to meditation more as a skill of energy management in our lives, than a spiritual practice.

So - lets skip the tour of the ancient temples in the Himalayan Mountains and see where it applies in our lives we live everyday. I am not the Dahli Lama. Although I do have a deep and sincere respect for him and his work in the world.
I had children to raise, home to maintain, jobs to work, and all the stress that went with it.

Why did I choose to meditate regularly in a day already filled? To arise early and to make sitting for twenty to thirty minutes a top priority, staying up late to study and to learn things many considered a waste of time and nonsense to the lifestyle I was living within?
The answer was simple to me, I wanted control over my life, my - Self. As I looked into the life I was dealing with, kids running around, wife flipping out from the stress of all the days demands, thinking of my jobs demands, what needed to be done around the house, “ the American dream ‘’ I was hit with an epiphany - this is insanity! That as soon as I stepped into the midst of that, the repetition of the day before would occur, as the day before that one, and the next days to come, until I burned out or died - same thing. In that epiphany I saw clearly that my day was filled to the brim with trying to meet everyone’s demands, calming out of control emotions, putting out the fires, and smoothing out the short circuiting.
The clinical definition of insanity ‘ doing the same things, the same way everyday, yet expecting a different result. ‘ Summation - DUH !!!

I surrendered in that moment - I cannot change all this - only myself. Simply put, my days were lived in reaction to all those around me, I needed to respond to my own needs, and I had no idea what they were. In all that ‘ busyness ‘ little was being accomplished. As I looked into my life I realized clearly, there was no calm there, probably never would be, I had to become the calm of response and abandon the chaos of reaction. ( re- action )
This is what I have and had in common to people that I have taught this to, they wanted escape from the chaos. Yet life is chaos, it is messy, it is emotional, and in Human Beings energies of chaos find calm and purpose, direction and refinement.
The word emotion comes from the phrase, energy in motion. Human Beings are managers of energy, great energies and powerful ones. Or they are the controlled puppets of others energies. Ponder this a moment and it becomes crystal clear to you in relation to your own lives.
But what is it exactly that binds us to those that are controlling us? Some say it is love, but the word love often masks need. Need is the seed of addiction. So what need is being served?
In my own life, it was the addiction to chaos and bedlam, even violent energy, much like the person that does not leave an abusive relationship, it is their addiction that keeps them there, no other reason. I was raised in such energy, so it was natural to seek the same in my own life. Like a baby born by a crack addict.

We live on energy, not food. Our bodies eat food and convert it to energy, what it cannot convert, it classifies as waste and dispels. So our true life sustainer is energy, not food. This is not a belief, it is science agreeing with scripture. So in my earlier referred to epiphany, I saw my addiction to the chaos I was walking into everyday. Again - DUH !

In a state of meditation you are tapped into an energy that is pure, much as when person is praying, with sincerity and love of God, asking nothing, just desiring to be in that feeling because you know intuitively that is healthy and renewing to do so.
The chaos of life is still going on outside your prayers, you just are not feeling it while in that state. This defines the term Sacred, a state of pure and renewing energy.
Meditation is the same, but more powerful in my opinion and experiences. I often say that prayer is the art of talking with God and meditation the art of listening to the answers.
Speaking from an energy perspective alone, meditation switches your diet from fast food to healthy power foods. But the results remain the same as the one of food, you are in control of whether you go home and make a healthy meal, or hit the drive through because it is easier and what you know to do. Inevitably we all choose our own health and wellbeing. But remember, no choice is also a choice.
I have taught hundreds across the decades, some stay with the healthier choices, some do not, but it is not my choice to make.

Twenty to thirty minutes a day of deep meditation gives your body the rest equivalent of eight hours of sleep physically. It is not and cannot be a substitute for sleep, but it rests your body as it did when you were an infant. It also begins to release the stress that you body has accumulated in its systems, and releases the minds tensions and confusions.
As we progress we will talk of these benefits more and in more depth. Address your concerns and experiences. I only speak from my own experiences here. I have meditated faithfully for over three decades. Over time I learned to remain in the state as I live my life daily. I do not sit in meditation as I did in the beginning. Human Beings operate best in motion, we are deigned for it. Yet meditation remains the base program for all other forms of enhancement we see today. It is the foundational practice for health related issues and emotional ones as well.
The Secret and Law of Attraction all recommend it as a base practice to achieve the state to operate these new mind sciences that are appearing because it creates the optimum state of mind from which to focus.
The ability’s and potentials of the Human mind are just beginning to be understood and utilized. Ancient texts from all religions and spiritual minds state that the inner world of a Human Being is a universe unto itself, and this is quite true. It is filled with the same wonders and awe inspiring landscapes as the one we are discovering thanks to new sciences and technologies.
Yet such an ancient process as meditation is amazingly simplest and direct way to access this inner world. So take your first ride into that Universe, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Darrell Borza


Zen of Business


The Zen of Business
by Darrell Borza
(Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)

The business world is undergoing some very radical restructuring in these times, as old industries need to revamp themselves to survive in a world of evolved technologies, evolved workers and managerial perspectives.No longer can industry view the worlds people as an ocean of unlimited funds and tap them like it has the resources of the planet. People are more educated now, better equipped with information, and have evolved to see themselves as valuable assetes in their own lives. We are no longer just ‘ consumers ‘ but a force in industry to be dealt with more fairly and honestly. For centuries, people have been veiwed as mindless consumers of goods and services, lead down the primrose path of excess. American business has turned a corner, and around it they found buyers and sellers with a fully functioning brain.

All of this is going to require the commanders of industry to re-evaluate their goals and obejectives for the coming decades. Business will have to set new priorities for its products and its people, and can no longer pretend that the planet will support the uncaring gluttony of its resource and its people.

In the current system of things, we all need to work, to make a living and continue moving forward as individuals, families, and a race. We also need to see into our futures and work towards cleaning up the mess of our forefathers, organically and morally. I predict this will become an industry unto itself, as the damage has been great. But – greater still, are the abilities of the Human spirit and intellect, our seemingly greatest resource of Human inovation and design, the power of collective problem solving. In every country, city, and little ‘ burg ‘ of the world, people are finding new and creative ways to do things, better, faster, and with efficiencies that would make Henry Ford retire to his realization, that ” His time ” is done.

There are more and more peole coming into corporate power that are based in values of integrity, compassion, and sensetivity to the reality that those working on the floor of the factories are just as Human as they are, with the same needs and desires as themselves, the same love of the Human family. The Zen of industry is knowing that only by working together as a whole can we rethink the old ways and create new ways that will move us all forward, while setting right the mistakes of the past. The ‘ common man/woman ‘ is not common any longer, and most importantly, they refuse to be common in any shape,form, or fasion. Human resources of a company are steering towards fullfilling the title, creating the means for people to become better Human Beings, resulting in a better company. Daycare at a company is a beginning, leading to a dept. of Human care. Putting Human needs and values first results in a company that acts as a family, while reaching outward to community and beyond.
Enron is the example that will set the presidence of the future. Although one or two people are being prosecuted, it was the fault of many within Enrons doors, from the maintenance peole to the executive board of directors. One person cannot act in such a greedy manner without it being known throughout the comapany. Apapthy of this is what brought Enron down, not the people on trial.

It is becoming blatantly clear that industry will rethink its prioroties as global changes force its hand, and their are Human Beings ready to accept the challenges of the future . The Zen of new industry starts with the realization that business is not who we are, it is what we do,to fund and support who we are, and we are moving rapidly towards an echelon of bussiness people that are reprioritizing the antiquated perspective of industry’s past.

Although we are pounded daily and hourly by a negative oriented media, forever telling us of the worlds woes, there is a majority of the population working daily to create a positive exsistance in life, and across this planet, changing life for the better and creating industries that aid in the advancement of us all. The greed and gluttony of the past is being called to light in our time, but it does not shine brighter than the advances of the Human heart and soul of its people.

This is the true Zen of industry, being compassionetly industrious at all levels of our lives, from the kitchens to the board rooms.

(To contact this author, Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)
[All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact the author for permission.]

Spiritual Reality

Spiritual Reality
by Darrell Borza
(Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)

Spiritual Reality is all around us. It is in the winds, the woods, waters and skies. There is nowhere we can go that it is not. It is in the very air that we breathe.I beleive that spirit is a verb, not a noun, as it is an active force that brings oneness between flesh and soul. It is life as we live it everyday. It is where you walk, talk, love, laugh, eat and cry. Religion has taught us that it is something meant for only a select few in Human history, for Gurus and Saints alone. It is the greatest control hoax ever perpetrated on Humankind – it is a lie. The history of us all is one of controlling us and keeping a ‘ third world ‘ country within our our own race, a subspecies within those that want to raise themselves up on high. What good is wealth, power, and prestige, if all were to share in the abundance of the Universe’s gifts? What religion would we worship if all were to evolve to Jesus and Buddha? What would God be if we all realized our true potentials?

Some call it energy, some call it spirit, and some call it God or Goddess. But the majority of the Earth’s people seek it, and after all the centuries, it remains as illusive as ever. I was raised religiously, and cannot abide it in my maturity, nor teach the religion of Jesus, and I feel Jesus is more than allright with that. ” Make no religion in my name ” and what part of that did we miss so drastically ? All of it I think. Buddah was not set as a deity until a good one hundred years after his leaving us, nor did anything he taught dictate that Buddhism should have grown from his teachings. We decided to call them teachers, prophets, and demi-Gods, we rearranged their words to fit our desires and needs. We built them into a religion, and then into a business.

I feel we could not have come any farther from the truth of it all, and what these people tried to say. I image talking to Jesus, and it being just that, a talk between two men about life, living it, and how to improve upon it. I also hear him talking of the greatness of being born Human, the grandeur of my potentials, and the inborn design of such a miraculous creature as myself appearing in life. In times of trouble and stress, I feel Buddah walk me down by the creek and reminding me that life is a great adventure, and to see it once again through the eyes of a child, as I once did. I can feel Mother Theresa tell me in a scolding and loving way that I am too caught up in the drama of life, that in the midst of all that Humans do to one another, my troubles pale in comparison, and if I truly wanted to feel better, I would do best by helping someone else feel good about themselves.

Albert Einstein would have me look at the vastness of space, all the many galaxies and universes, shaking a bony finger at me to make me see the incalculable odds of being born a Human Being in the midst of so many lifeforms, and the sin of wasting one moment of that gift. Sin is an ancient word meaning error, error in thought, and to feel less than a special child in all the Universe is an error in my thinking. We have rewritten scriptures, history, and the present to suit very selfish desires and agendas. We have believed lies in the name of tradition and honor, only to find they have left our lives empty and acting in ways that do not honor us, our children, nor our seeing any concern for those grandchildren that will inherit our dillusions of righteousness, and worship.

I told my children as they grew, if they wanted to be near to God, then take a walk in nature, be silent in its presence, and the wind will speak to you, the words will not come in the wind, but cause feelings to rise from within, and you will understand the language of it. Religion can only be the manner we conduct ourselves in every moment of our lives. Spirituality, has been with us since we first looked at the moon in meditative silence, wondering who we were and why we lived. Since we realized that our life was one of learning about the lands we dwelled, and the voice from within that would tell us who we are. I don’t feel Jesus wanting to rush to church, nor Buddah to the centers built in his name, reading words he probably never spoke. Nor would they invite me anywhere but outside to show me the wonderous nature of what we do not see with our eyes . ” Love your neighbor as yourself ” words we all grew up with, and words we all know regardless of our backgrounds or personal beliefs. I feel we all live these words too. Some as a guide to their days treatment of those they meet, and some find themselves feeling angry, resentful, and bitter towards those they encounter, but they are still living the ‘ Golden Rule ” because they do not love or even like themselves. Somewhere it became wrong to love oneself, as selfish and selfcentered, a sin rather than a believable reality leading to a life of wealth, prosperity, and fulfillment. We were taught to give the best of ourselves away to beleifs that served only a few and rose the quality of living to them alone. Is this not exactly what Jesus got in the faces of religion in his time for? It is what Buddah walked away from in his time, but we are a stubborn race, we hold onto our self loathing until the Earth shakes and quakes our empires to the ground, returning equality to us once more, in the hopes it will stick this time around.

If going to church, using crystals, attending the latest new age workshop, or reading the latest ‘ revelation ‘ does it for you, then great. But if it doesn’t, remember we were given all we need to realize ourselves within ourselves, and nothing ‘ makes ‘ us fulfilled and enlightened, all these things only exist to remind us we are . Every tree, brook, stone, and meadow is a living testament to the Love we receive as we continue to search for our particular brand of love, according to someone else’s definition of Love. Meditation is looking to the sky and feeling the greatness of the form you are, and realizing that we can overcome any circumstance if we choose to because we are the same Human that Jesus was, Buddha told us to be, and any other scientist can tell you we are by biology alone. Believe whatever gets you – there. But beleive it with your whole heart and mind, and let your neighbor know you beleive it.

(To contact this author, Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)
[All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact the author for permission.]

I'm Alive


It Is A Feeling
by Darrell Borza
(Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)

I had totally forgotten.

When my children were young, I did some very heavy construction work. It payed well, but I loathed it. By the time I hit the driveway I was using all my meditative, spiritual, and phsycological studies and tools to stay planet bound. Then I would reach the driveway, get out and see them all belching out of the doorway to greet me, all five, the loathsomeness and tiredness ran away from me. I was renewed absolutely and fully. It is a feeling, filled with emotion of rejuvenation, a firecracker that explodes all through you,each sparkle is as the very ” Breath Of God.” It is that completely healing, cleansing, empowering.

I have forgotten, this is where my journey was heading in the very beginning, to feel that feeling from the very arms of God, confident and strong in the knowledge it would complete me. Through all the studying, all the experiences, the dirven aquisition of new and old knowledge, so many roads travelled for a straight path. Navigating the Universe to find a feeling, so strong, so powerful that falling in love is but a tease of its wholeness.

I had also forgotten that the love pouring out my front door everynite was fired by the knowledge that I was able to feel it so strongly. I could wade in its substance , it is that real, all the while drawing strength from it. But mostly, I could return it to them, and therein lied the secret path of my journey. To Love so purely, sets the beacons course, the homing signal is active and each time we love for no reason, but for the feeling, we draw ever closer to home.

I had forgotten also that I am created to feel this way, it is the purpose to my creation. To feel so confidently loved and empowered by it, so that I may enhance the world, by way of the truth, only completing myself fullfills my responsibilities in this life.

(To contact this author, Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)
[All work by author is copyright protected. If you would like to use this article, please contact the author for permission.]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009



I have no fear of the world ending by the date given. We have seen many ' doomsday ' dates come and go. This event in 2012 is a unique event astronomically to be certain, and my feeling is that no-one from science to the most sensitive spiritual minds knows what will occur.
I think there will be great changes, alterations and realignments in energy fields, and this will of course cause changes in the Earths energy's and ours as well.
Yet the actual effects are totally unpredictable by any of us.
I personally am amazed and mildly appalled at the tendency of people to go to the dark and destructive side of things in the way of prophecy and prediction. Where are the positive insights to the Human race? Why are prophecy's seemingly always ones of doom and destruction?

The Law of Attraction is truth - then one has to look at the bigger picture of a large portion of the race believing these thoughts of the worlds end - creating a vibrational match to them. How religion became so dark and dismal in its view of the Human race is beyond my desire to know. I don't believe in the devil, but I know enough people believing it can create the reality ascribed to it.
I think the changes this time will bring will be very profound, it is a very profound event in the Universe, in our galaxy. But do we really feel that the Human race is so horrible that the Universe / God / Source deems us to be eradicated like a virus to it? Do we really believe we are so powerful our actions can destroy a planet this size and an integral part of the Universe? We are screwing up the environment, no doubt. But the Earth is a very powerful force with the ability to cleanse herself, and she will / is. I grew up in the fifties, I saw garbage on the side of the roads, lakes you could not swim in due to oil in them, rivers with so much garbage you could literally walk on it, and fires on the water that burned for days. I recall not seeing the sky from so much smoke from factories, days I could not go outside because the air was so thick with soot.
I do not see those things anymore.

Where is the belief in our goodness, our genius, our never ceasing creativity? Where is the belief we will live on and keep moving forward into the Universe.
2012 is the new fear date, it is marketed to us like other fears that make us buy things we do not need, think thoughts we should not be thinking and stay a controlled people we should not be. I saw people build bunkers, store food and move to places that were the " Only place that was safe " for the millenniums end. I just smiled at it. I saw people line up after 9/11 for gas on a rumor that gas was going to run out, I saw them run out of gas and deadlock a four lane street, police having to go to gas stations. I just sat on the picnic table and smiled.
I am a father and a grandfather, and how dare I preach such horrible things to them about their race. We are capable of great horrors, no doubt, but I invite anyone here to tell me what atrocity was committed in history that was not based in fear being marketed prior to its act.

What if this event were to cause the Earth to advance its cleansing and return it to the paradise it was once, if the air became pure again, the oceans bluer and healthier, and what if we were were actually more enlightened from it, less controllable by fears, and more courageous in our view of ourselves and this race?
I believe the Universe, Earth and all life is Human friendly. The media pushes us to fear, so do not look for this news there. It is greater and more powerful than the fear mongering media will ever admit, its about ratings, not reality.
The silence of Meditation is a skill of learning to manage powerful energy's at very high velocities, higher orders of existence and channeling of knowledge known only in the light of the Universe.

Meditation is a practice that has been around since people themselves have been, when our most primal of ancestors stopped foraging for just a moment and looked into the sky with deep contemplation overtaking them with emotions they could not explain, but leaving them forever changed.

I have meditated for forty years, and taught it to everyone that ever asked me to in that time. I do it now as I walk, talk, and move about my daily life, and in times of stress, I assume the usual positions associated with the practice. There are many forms of the practice, and many tapes of guided meditations, all well and good. It is good for us to stop our routines, sit calmly and find our peace in meditational space. Prayer, just stopping to look at the deer passing, this is all an exercise in meditation.

Meditation became very popular in the early seventies, along with many other practices, like smoking weed too. " Hit this shit man - you'll see God dude." Well I smoked a lot weed, did the peyote thing in the flotation tanks, even got a couple of mantras for it, but just plain old fashioned meditating is what has gotten me where I wanted to go, out of the drama and adrenaline addiction of this culture.

As I meditated across the years, I could sense my own evolution as a person in pursuit of my own excellence, not perfection. I so loved the feeling, frequencies and tones of the practice, but over time became very frustrated with returning to ' reality ' and its seeming antithesis of the emotions I was just enjoying. I would open my eyes and listen as I returned, kids yelling, doors slamming, phone ringing, back to ' have to " now. I then began to develop a meditational state that would stay with me after I returned to my domestic bliss. I kept a mantra running in my mind as I walked through the days and nights, working, raising the kids, being a husband, worker, yaddi yaddi - yah.

As I did this, at first it required me to restart the mantra whenever I was done consciously dealing with other thoughts and people, but within a month, I noticed it had gotten with the program, and would appear of its own power when my mind was not actively engaged, now it is there as the primary state in my mind.

During this retraining of myself, I noticed too that the practice of meditation was taking an evolutionary path of its own within me, and within its introduction on a global basis. The mantras I use are as ancient as the practice itself, same mantra used across countless centuries, each meditator adding their energies to its energy, this is a powerful evolution across time and space, so as I use it, I am tapping into the energies of everyone that ever kept it sacred in their mind. I am going to be writing other articles regarding the actual transformational abilities of the practice on biology’s and energy systems within the Human form, but for now, I want to discuss this aspect. The Universe, God, Goddess, whatever your preferred imagery is, gives us what we need to survive and thrive, if we but just stand still long enough to receive it. Meditation exploded onto the seventies scene, because it was what we needed to learn to survive the times we live in. By all accounts from prophecy, sciences, and religions gone mad, we are in a time of extraordinary changes, unlike few Humans have ever seen. As these changes begin to change the face of the globe, weather pattern changes, and global restructuring, there will be a lot of anguish in our futures, stress as we have not imagined, and just a general fear inundating the planet, as we are currently witnessing.

Spiritual practices have a much deeper and pragmatic intent than just bring us closer to our creator, they lay the foundation of an occurrence that has been evolving in Humanity since time began, the ability to evolve by will. In these times, they are evolving into more than ' hobby status ' and psychic fair attractions, also more than just simple exercise and wellness training. They are the skills we will need to survive this change all the world is talking about, to not only stay alive, but to keep our sanity amidst the impending chaos and fear, and to know where to go and what to do next.

Meditation is the simplest form of change, the easiest to do, and the most profound regarding internal changes, laying a foundation within the mind and biology that will create changes that will see you into the future, calmly and productively. Too easy ? Yes, for marketability to a culture entrenched in the complicated, and one that has been nurtured to believe that their only salvation is from a government, or pill, that somehow outside sources will fix it all.

Bottom line - it is up to us, each one as individuals to seek out these skills and implement them into ourselves to ensure our future, and no religion is required nor some sub-cultural belief system, just common sense of a practice with science reinforcing its value to us. I recall after 9-11, the people grid locked on the streets, running out of gas trying to get gas, the rage at the stations that ran out of it, people sneaking in the back doors stealing bread off the shelves. It is a sight we will see soon in many parts of the world, and in fact are now a daily sight in many countries. I have five children and seven grandchildren, with more to come, and I will not see them dying from panic, angry mobs, or overwhelming fear. During the event I described, I was the one watching calmly, as will those that have seen the wisdom to learn these skills. We will be the ones walking away from the chaos, knowing where to go, and what to do, and we will be quiet until the chaos is over, because we have the skills needed to get onto the next thing the Universe has planned.

It is our responsibility to ourselves, our families, and our loved ones to learn to evolve ourselves within the circumstances we find ourselves in. Meditation will do that for you, and lead your minds eye to see other things that we can do for ourselves and our neighbors, rather than falling to the ' every man for himself ' mentality. At worst, if the world stays exactly the same for the next thousand years, you will have evolved by your own wisdom and free will.

Jesus taught ” Heaven is at Hand ” at hand means now - in the present.
Heaven is here in the present, it always has been. I teach meditation, not to go into its frequencies, but how to bring them here into your life daily, as the new frequency you resonate in.
Often in spiritual work we are seeking what I call the ‘ sideshow ‘ effect, something that profoundly different from your mundane life to be spontaneously created before your eyes, like in a magic show of illusion.
To teach someone to go ‘ into ‘ meditation is to teach escape from the reality of their lives.
No different than drinking, drugging or sexing your way to escape.

Heaven is a state of feeling, not even a state of mind. It is here all the time, like the air you rarely pay attention to until it blows so hard your on your ass.
So too Humans rarely seek heaven until their life knocks them on their ass. Or like now - the economy.
Doom and gloom abounds on this planet like weeds amongst the wheat, yet there are those that are rising to the occasion, rising to strength they did not know they possessed. Spiritual strength, mind power, Human Being power. Don’t believe in the dream, believe in the reality, the one you create, not Barrack Obama or Ford, or Wall street.
Believe in the reality your bringing forth from yourSelf and your own thoughts and feelings, desires and passions. This is heaven at work in your environment. If the economy falls, it falls, you do not need fall with it.
Challenge the reality your being told is real.
Be bold in your thinking, make your thoughts mighty- DARE TO BE GREATNESS.
Dare to know heaven in the Now. Defy the prophets of old and the media of now, dare them to bring you down.
Heaven is not a state of apathetic peace and illusionary myths of lions and lambs sleeping together, that is a pamphlet left on your doorstep. Heaven is a place of extraordinary Human genius, actions that defy the status quo and raise new empires of prosperity where old ones of haggard greed have stagnated Human growth and potential.

Heaven hears the roar of the lion awakened from its slumber to a new dawn. It hears the wars silenced in the reality that it no longer serves a purpose and has no effect. peace is action spurned to the tenth power, thought elevated to a creative power, and feelings the language all life responds back with to Human understanding.
Heart enlarged by joining to mind, and biology redefining itself in evolvement by pure will.

Dare - dare - dare to be great - dare to be stopped, Dare to be in heaven while others walk in hell, so they may know that it is possible.
You are a Human Being - unique to life on Earth, unique to Angels by the authors own words written of creation.
I love life here, I love primates, but they are not my brothers,the are the cousins of my biology, and I AM so much more. I am the sum total of all life on this planet.
past and present.
As my life is the sum total of all life since life was created. I honor all life here, yet to be excluded from its origins is no insult to me or to them.
It is honoring the truth of my creation. I exist so God may live alive in creation. I am God and I am Source I am all of it, whatever osophy -, ism or ology we ascribe to it - because what I AM can not ever be contained in a theory or thesis. I am too large.
And Heaven opens the door to a space large enough, as it grows with me.

Judgment Day
by Darrell Borza
(Email: zensunni7@neo.rr.com)

Judgment day, a fear put into us all, across centuries uncountable. That period after death that weighs our actions and attitudes while living this life. I learned from my own experiences, that death is not a requirement for such a day to occur, as it occurs when it needs to, to redirect us back to the priorities of life's desires over our own. It is a moment in our lives that purges and renews in the same breath.

I had mine just after my divorce, a day that is embedded into my mind with ferocity and compassion, a moment I hated and loved. At the time, I was running, full speed from all the turbulent emotions of my life, looking at being alone with my children and ever wondering why this condition existed in my life. What had I done to deserve all this upheaval? I went for a walk in the woods to escape my exhaustion. As I walked I fell to the ground in an overwhelming tsunami of emotion. I thought it the end of my life, and it was, that period of my life. I just layed there, tears running down my face, and emotion keeping me paralyzed within myself.

My life began to stream forward into my mind, as water overflowing its banks, designed to keep it at bay. Everyone I had known and all that I did in my life. Then I was taken to a deeper depth of myself, seeing my actions and interactions as a wave across time and space. I was shown deeply how my actions had affected the people in my life, from that moment into the future, even unto my grandchildren children. The emotions I brought into their life, and the effects I had on them. It was horrible to see the damage I had done, affecting people I did not realize or could even have imagined I impacted through my interactions with related people. It was physically sickening to feel it. It also seemed the very last thing I needed at that time in my life. The revelations rippled through me like thunder for moments that seemed like hours. I had always seen myself as a good man, never having deliberately hurt anyone, committed a major crime, or even gotten a traffic ticket. But the waves of reality saw how my angers, selfishness, and attitudes had impacted people, and it was not pretty to have to look at, but there was nowhere to run from it, and the clarity was astounding, every detail, feeling, and emotion presented itself for review. There was no God there judging me, no entity representative of the cosmos to walk me through it or even comment, just me and the feeling that I was deserving of death.

Eventually the waves subsided, my breathing returned to normal, and I felt drained and empty inside, as though each wave took with it the emotions of the events and thoughts with them. I layed on the side of the creek stunned at the completeness of the process I had just undergone, seeing future grandchildren s ideals and attitudes that had been birthed with thoughts I had had in my lifetime, actions that were still rippling through time via their minds and subconsciousness. The completeness of it was stunning.

Then a new wave began to overtake me, fear gripped my mind readying it for yet another horrible revelation of myself. I waited, but instead calm took a hold of me, my mind begant to release its secrets again to my spirits eye. Just as before I saw the people in my life, and the others that extended out from them, to others, yet upon others and others. I saw my children grown, and their children, and again, the effects my actions had upon their lives. I saw the love, patience, and compassion I had excersised in my life until that moment. I saw the times I had controlled my temper, swallowed the angers, and put aside the injustices. I felt the feelings I created in others, and there was love, hope, and a determination to make life better for them, while doing the same for myself, often in the same action. I was shown how the qualities I possessed carried into futures I would not know, but from a distant past I had a direct impact upon. I saw my positive attributes ripple out into the cosmos of people and find a place in the ocean of Humanity in a positive way. But as each segment waved through me, this time it left a fulfillment where the prior experience had left emptiness. It also left me with the realistic sight that we are raised to believe we are beings prone to evil rather than good, seeing ourselves mostly as sinners, rather than saints, which is why I was overwhelmed by the negative at the onset of this experience. I saw clearly the lies I had to believe about myself.

As I rose to return to my life, I felt whole again, and hopeful for myself and the future of myself, and those I was returning to. I also returned with inescapable truth that everything we do, think, speak, and imagine has an impact somewhere, in someone. There is no motion of our being that does not land in someones yard of experiences. In a very short time I went from feeling like the worst person on the planet, to the reality I was hardly that, and that the good I had done, alot of it by accident, had more impact than anything I was condemning myself for.

That was Judgment day for myself, and I also know that is what we will all eventually, at some point, experience of ourselves, and those we love, and hate. Those we judge ourselves, and those that have judged us. I also walked away knowing that 'God ' was not judging me, I was, and that God would have been more compassionate at the onset than I ever was for myself. In the feeling of being cursed for my actions, I was blessed knowing that my qualities were actually the directors of my life, not my shortcomings. Although even now I cannot say if I would have consented to the experience, I am glad for it. It is nothing to be feared, and there is no eternal hell for actions done here in this life,only the hell of avoiding the reality of how profoundly and deeply we affect one another in this life.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Earth Mother

When I was a child, life was rather angry in our home. Abuse was still a ' family ' thing that wasn't talked of and left to the discretion of family members and choices, police only became involved if someone was dead or dying. In an era when Cowboys and Indians were the popular past time of young boys, I secretly admired the Indians version of life, although openly admitting it was not wise, as being an Indian during games was a death sentence, just like in the movies. Us " White Folk " never lost, except of course in the Custer epic, but no-one ever wanted to play that scenario.

Abuse was as common then as now, the difference was that we just weren't aware, as it didn't make the news, there was no "Oprah " and unless it was a family member, it was just gossip. I can see in hindsight, Spirit moved then to help us as it does now. My grandmother had given me a book about a young Native American boy, describing in detail his growing up in his family, the trainings he received, and the skills he was expected to learn. I learned right along with the character in the book, I lived near a large woods growing up, and use to scurry off early in the mornings to spend the day there, being a young Native American, from the suburban neighborhood I returned to in the evenings.

Abuse can be a painful thing; welts, bruises, and achy bones, even to a new body of a child that can heal quickly, but as most kids, I wasn't about to let it stop my joy and desires to play in the Earth's abundance. As the boy of my book, I learned to run through the trees, up and down hills, to walk silently through the woods without snapping twigs and making sounds that could give me away to my imaginary enemies. I learned how to befreind the animals with patience and trust, to get them to eat from my hands, and to watch them unobserved, to stay downwind, and observe what they ate. I learned to catch fish with my hand, to cook them and feed off the land, as the Great Spirit provided. It was great fun as a boy, and only now do I see how the Great Spirit was watching over even a little ' white kid ' from suburbia.

Sometimes the beating from infractions of perfection was more severe, a little too much " Mommy Dearest " gone wild. After such episodes, I would sit in my room awaiting release into the woods again, and think of the boy in the book, what would he do? I often thought of running way and living as he did, but even to a little man like myself, it didn't seem plausible to do so.

Abused kids are really adults in small bodies, trying to appear their age, and act ' normal ' as to avoid detection. One day I was hurting badly from an episode of too many unfolded clothes in my drawers and my closet being a ' pig pen ' because my pants were not crease to crease, zipper closed, and there were dirty ones on the floor. After an early release, I hopped onto my bike (horse) and headed for the woods. It was a bad day, I was hurting physically, and to spite the beauty of a summer day, I just could not muster the energies for play or even a smile. It was just one of those " I don't know if I can do this anymore " days and feelings.

I reached into my medicine bag, an old marble case, and pulled out some herbs I had gathered, and went to the creek to get some water, built a small fire, and made some healing potion. I made a drink from dandelion roots, and what I now know to be American Ginseng, and clover, having gathered them from illustrations in my book. It tasted like dirt with a hint of sweetness from the purple clover, but medicine wasn't supposed to taste good back then.

I turned to look at that creeks water moving in rapid ripples down to an unknown horizon where my mind followed it to places I dreamed of that would be brighter and nicer than these. My skin was stinging still from the slaps, me ears hurt from the untargeted fury, and my heart was breaking from the idea of being so bad as to deserve this. I just sat there staring at the water moving. In its own way, I could feel it call to me, drawing me closer to it, then I felt my mind let go of everything except the call of the water, and I chose to answer it. I stripped off all my clothes and walked out into it. The water caressed my feet and sent waves of hope into my body of relief and a promise of healing. I followed my heart into the water until I was lying in it fully, only my little head above its current.

I thought of how every night I prayed to the God I was taught, God of love and mercy, and it made me feel empty and alone. I then thought of the boy, and his Father teaching him of the Great Spirit, and the Great Mother that cared for his people, fed them, and taught the ways of the Earth, and living in harmony. I lowered my face into the running waters, leaving only my nose out to breathe from. I felt light, soothed, and let my body sway to the motion of the water. I could feel the welts going down and the pain running off with the current, my head and aching ears were being massaged by unseen hands that brought peace of mind and feelings of being caressed by a Great Mother of warmth and compassion. This is what I had hoped for deep in my little heart, a feeling of being surrounded by love, every crevice and every atom.

The water and I became one flowing motion, I was as much a part of this surrounding as the water, rocks, and fish swimming about me, wondering what this new thing in their home was. I layed there submerged for what seemed hours, until all the pain had been swept away, and when it had, I wanted to get up, but I stayed at the request of the Great Mother, until my mind was a child’s again once more, until the heavy thoughts had been cleansed by the water as well. I finally stood up, letting the sun bathe me now, feeling her warmth and energies filling me with joy where pain had been, seeing my body reflecting in the waters eye, welts gone, bruises unaching, and a boy that had become a boy again in some magical moment from unseen hands that touched only a pure heart. What the water had not healed, the sun was. I looked again into the water to see myself, different somehow, but the same, a boys body with the eyes of a man.

In the water I had been given a gift, perhaps this was the 'vision' I had read about, not a vision as in a dream that seemed real, but vision - period. Eyes that saw healing from a spirit that loved us as God was suppose to, heals us, and restores us to our beautiful unjaded selves. I returned to my healing potion, and thought of catching a fish for my hungry stomach, but somehow didn't want to take life from the waters that had just returned mine to me and made me feel so alive again, I was smiling. So, I turned to the magical bologna sandwich I had brought, and downed it with my dirt drink. I was full, happy, and renewed.

As I rode home that afternoon, I looked to be just a boy on his bike. I was different though, very different. I had been shown the way to a world where magic occurs, healing was available for the asking. While in the water, I just ' knew ' I was not bad, nor did I deserve the things that occurred all too often, to far too many kids. I also knew that from that day on the Great Mother was now my Mother, and the Great Spirit was the Father that I would honor, and that was the way it was always going to be for me, and is until this very day.

I knew that when I returned home, it would be the same, and I was ' in for it ' for having stayed gone so long. This time though, there was no fear, and no anxieties, because now I knew that there was a loving spirit out there that could heal me, renew me, and bring me the hope so many of us give up on and accept the ways of others insanities as ' normal ' in our minds and hearts.

I was somehow free in a way that I had never felt before, and alive in a way that I had not been since I was born. It hurts my heart to see the Earth being polluted as She is, knowing the wonders we are spoiling and devastating, but I also know that she will cleanse herself of these things, and us in the process. This was my journey into healing as a boy, and others out there are finding their healing in their own way, their own woods, and in their own minds and hearts. It is there for the asking.

I am now an elder by age, and see now that I was tapping into the energies that the Native Americans have left for us to hear and to use, a journal written in the wind, etched into the terrain, in every tree, plant, and brook, with even the stones holding the energies and wisdom of the ancients and their ways of the Earth and Human living in harmony for the benefit of both.

In the waters that day, I learned that all creation, in all its forms will reach out to a Human Being, to heal, help, or just to let us feel loved and cared for, it seeks only a pure heart.

Do You Remember?

Science of Being Human

Beyond The Moment